Small Business Development
Microloan Program -

As an SBA micro lender, we can provide loans up to $50,000 to help entrepreneurs with working capital, equipment, purchases, and more.

Annual Report 2024

Celebrating Success

Across New Hampshire and into Vermont, community investment has supported neighbors in creating better lives, new and thriving businesses, energized support services, and resources for energy efficiency and affordability.

Opportunities Revealed
BF abigails
Amanda 6
DSC 8463
Antonica Outside Home
DSC 2897
NP harbor biasizzo
Amazing Hands Stills 3
Brittany Emmons - AHEAD Whitefield
Kateand Keith Jennifer 21
BF abigails
Amanda 6
DSC 8463
Antonica Outside Home
DSC 2897
NP harbor biasizzo
Amazing Hands Stills 3
Brittany Emmons - AHEAD Whitefield
Kateand Keith Jennifer 21
Meeting Demand

Interest rates and real estate prices are soaring at a time when federal funding sources are uncertain. This means demand for our lending and coaching programs will only increase over the next year, and we are ready to meet it.

But we need impact investments and donations for capital now, more than ever. We can solve New Hampshire problems with New Hampshire dollars.

Your Dollars Make a Difference

Our impact investors and donors have always come through for our borrowers, and 2024 was no exception. Read on to learn about the significant impact made in seven focus areas over the last year.

Housing Development Loans

Manufactured Home Loans

In the last 12 months, we’ve been part of purchasing or preserving 260 manufactured homes. Our Welcome Home Loans along with our Your Turn downpayment assistance has opened the door to home ownership across the state.

ROC Support

ROC Establishment & Support

Derry Oak Village Cooperative is N.H.’s 150th ROC! Including Derry Oak, we have now preserved affordable homeownership in resident-owned communities for nearly 9,000 households. But there’s still much to be done to help people take control of the land beneath their homes while fostering lively, sustainable communities.

Small nonprofit

Small Businesses

In FY24 we’ve loaned to businesses in all 10 counties of N.H. and 3 counties in VT. We’ve done a significant amount of lending in our core focus areas; local food growers, distributors, markets, as well as retail, manufacturing, community services, and childcare. Our business loans have supported the purchase of real estate, the creation of jobs, the preservation of vital community services, and most importantly they have provided access to capital for entrepreneurs outside of the the economic mainstream.

Home Loans


Nonprofits across N.H. connected with us to address growth needs and unexpected challenges. A quick list includes:

  • Childcare Center: With the support of our loan the center has created 10 new childcare spaces and two full-time teacher positions.
  • Crisis Center: The clients of this crisis center will use funding from our pilot program to assist with expenses that might arise as they normalize their financial security and build their credit profiles for the future. 
  • Community Organization: This organization used our loan for real estate development, with plans to renovate the facility purchased to house up to nine families in need of transitional housing.

Small Town & Municipal Grant Writing

Welcoming Northern Community Investment Capital (NCIC) under the Community Loan Fund Umbrella has encouraged us to support and partner with people, organizations, and communities beyond N.H.’s borders. The talented NCIC team has expanded our capacity and launched new services that provide grant writing expertise to help small towns access funding resources for infrastructure improvement and economic development.

Small Businesses, Nonprofits, Small Town Grantwriting, CDFI
NCIC joins NH Community Loan Fund

The New Hampshire Community Loan Fund and Northern Community Investment Capital (NCIC) have completed their merger, connecting two of the state’s longest-serving community development organizations.

Learn More

Sustainable Food Systems

Our partnerships with the USDA allowed us to support the growth of local meat processors across the United States in ways that create stronger local economies, expanded local markets, and opportunities for improved food supply chains.

Success by the Numbers

While the long-term social, health, and safety benefits of our work reveal themselves over time, stats give a clear sense of what’s been accomplished. Here’s some information that’s sure to be of interest to our numbers-driven neighbors.


of investor capital actively deployed into our communities at close of FY24


investor repayment rate over our 41 year history


in economic impact generated for every dollar we lend


hours of coaching and guidance services provided since 2005


minimum amount to become an impact investor in your community


loaned since inception

Read On

Explore each chapter of the 2024 Annual Report by clicking on the card or button for each of the pages below.

MAP littleton coop

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