Small Business Professional Services Cost Share Program
NCIC has received an award from the USDA-RD Rural Business Development Grant (RBDG) Program. The purpose of this project is to provide funding for technical assistance services for small businesses. These Funds are available for small businesses located in the New Hampshire counties of Carroll, Coos, and Grafton, as well as in the Vermont counties of Caledonia, Essex, and Orleans.

Many small businesses may benefit from professional consulting services, however, those services may be difficult to afford. Through this program NCIC can provide financial support to small businesses that are seeking to strengthen and grow. Examples of the types of consulting services that are eligible include:
- Website Designs, Enhancements, Upgrades, Electronic Payment Processing, Photos, and Copy
- Graphic Design – Brochure, Business Cards, Hang Tags
- Business Marketing
- Feasibility Studies
- Engineering Plans
- Architectural Services
- Social Media Marketing
- Training for things like QuickBooks or website content management
- Energy Audits
- Grant Writing, and
- Environmental Assessments
Grant funds can pay for up to 70% of project cost, upon satisfactory completion of the project. USDA RBDG Funds can only be used for “small businesses” - 50 or fewer employees and generally less than $1,000,000 gross revenue.
The business will need to complete an application, with assistance from NCIC available as needed. If an application is accepted, NCIC can assist the business to solicit proposals from qualified firms. Ordinarily, at least three (3) competitive proposals are required for any work to be completed using grant funds. The business will select a consultant and then a contract for consulting services will be prepared by NCIC.
The business owner will need to provide a business plan (if available), ownership and basic financial information. All applications should clearly describe how the project will enable the business to improve, expand, and increase employment opportunities.
For questions please contact Chris Grant, Project Manager at NCIC, a program of New Hampshire Community Loan Fund.
Access application here
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Inquiry Form